Saturday, October 30, 2010

"We can hardly stand the wait....."

"...please Christmas don't be late!!!"

....quite possibly the cutest song ever. And the most accurate to describe my anticipation for this upcoming holiday season! I spent the day with my mother-in-law at the trade center for Christmas Made in the South and had so much fun spending WAY too much money! Thankfully... I have some of the CUTEST things to show for it! The items below are from a lady who has a booth there called "Pure Art." She's based out of Panama City, Fl. and always has the best things in the entire show. I literally have majority of my home and tree decorated with things that I have purchased from her over the last 5 years that we have been married! I'm talking ornaments, bows, accents, tree topper.... you get what I'm saying! Check it out this weekend if you still have a chance... only one more day! Or at least head my way this Christmas to see our AWESOME tree!!!

Oh... I can NOT wait!!!! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I turned 27!!

Geez... I remember when I was turning 13 and my parents threw me this purple and yellow themed party in the church fellowship hall.... That was 14 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!! Crap..... time flies!

But the good news is that I had a BLAST turning 27 with my wonderful friends and family! It started Sunday night with dinner at the Canon downtown with some of our friends...

I must say... we have made some wonderful new ones! And in the last year, we have developed some pretty incredible bonds! Ok... ok... I won't get too mushy. :) We also have a heck of a time together! I felt so loved when everyone was able to join us for dinner!...

but at times some of the folks tend to get a little c-r-a-z-y....

So that was Sunday :)

On Monday night (my actual Bday) I had dinner at Red Robin (yum!) with my family and the inlaws. After a very entertaining dinner, we hung out and ate yummy cupcakes...

Played with yummy cupcakes...

But the best part was opening some of my faves!!...

Now if those cowboy boots would hurry up and get here!!!

Overall, it was a great celebration! I am a lucky gal... :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lexi & Layne :)

So here are two little things that capture my heart in different much love! Enjoy...

Apparently lazy is what we do best lately since Justin and I have taken turns being sick for what seems like weeks now! What I love most about being at home with Justin is that most times, there is always a little critter that joins us whether we are on the couch, bed, or on the floor. This little runt is my Lexi. :) Yesterday Lexi Grace decided that she needed to be lazy too since her Daddy had been on the couch for a few days...

Such a hard life.....

Then, when we realized that the Dawgs game wasn't televised on our satellite, we made a last minute decision to go to "Nana and Papa's" (my parents) house to watch it. Of course, Lexi went along then, too. What is hilarious is how active she is when there, and how hard she crashes when we come home. It was a little chilly in our house last night upon arriving home, so she managed to find the only blanket that we had out, and then make sure that ALL of her body was on it.....

She's a blast :).......

My cousin and best friend have another baby favorite of mine... except he is actually a real baby! Layne is his name... melting my heart is his game!!! I choose not to hold it against Haley's OB-GYN to induce her while I was on the other side of the world... that just harbors bad feelings. :) Instead I decide to make up for those lost first minutes with him by going over there and just staying all night. This particular night... I made Aunt Deb make me dinner and then didn't leave until WELL after dark. :) By now this little stinker has mastered the art of laughing...for real! And who was best at bringing it out of him? His mama :) When Haley mentioned that he just loved to laugh now, I thought.. "Great... well let's start talking to him!" But no... this little guy doesn't laugh the best when you talk to him... you have to add in a little bit of changing table and a WHOLE LOT OF NAKED!! :) As soon as that diaper came off and his mama stepped in... he laughed for a while! I wish I had video to post instead... but here are some stills that captured the moment...

Isn't he beautiful?!

"You REALLY crack me up, mama!"

So there you have it... one with four legs, one with two. Both I just love to pieces :)

Happy Sunday! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Missing Africa

So lately I have been going back and forth, praying, and wrestling over the idea of going back to Kenya with our church next summer. I know it seems like a long way away, but when you have to save for the hefty price tag and work around things like "would I be willing to go without Justin" and the plans of wanting to start a family in the spring... it makes the decision making come sooner.

I physically ache sometimes when I think about how much I miss those people. That was one of the most life changing experiences that I think I will ever be a part of... so I want to go back! I want to see Ruth. I want to hold her little hand again and walk with her through the slums that she calls home.

I want to root her on at her soccer game on Saturday. I want to see Jackie and congratulate her on her wedding.... the one she was just engaged for when we left. I want to sit with Velma on her blanket, hold her baby Naomi...

and watch while she shows me with pride the necklaces and bracelets that she made. I want to wear one of the necklaces that she gave me as a gift before I left, just so she knows that I thought about her often.

I want to meet Anthony, and tell him how thankful I am that I am now his sponsor, and how no matter how long he lives in the Gichagi slum, that I will support him and visit him as much as I can. 

I want to just be there. As I write this tonight, I am almost confirming what I feel will happen.... me leaving on a jet plane. :) I just long to be there. I long to see the people in all these pictures below... because I KNOW them. I remember their names. I remember what it felt like to see them and hug them. What it felt like to hurt for them and wish I could just uproot them and take them with me to a better place with opportunity. But they don't want that. They just wanted to meet us, to show us their home, and to call us their friend.

Years ago the Lord started working in my heart a love and desire to minister and love on African children. And I understand that there are needs in our city as well. Ones that are closer to home that I can do everyday and still be serving God and helping others. But once you have traveled to remote villages across the world and have seen poverty and helplessness like we did, you want to help there, too. 

The hearts of these people are amazing. So often their lives are described as "abject" poverty, but abject means "hopeless." These people are not without hope. They have been introduced to the Savior thanks to His work with Vapor Ministries. And that is all they have. They are so happy and alive and want to tell you everything that He has done for them. Little by little they are being sponsored, sent to school, clothed, fed, and introduced to coaches that  lead them in soccer games on Saturdays, and disciple them along the way. 

I could go on and on. My heart is just bursting right now thinking of them.. and my eyes filling with tears. These past few days have been hard as I have gave this more thought. And I know that sounds crazy, but it feels like missing a loved one. I miss them. I am struggling with the decision to go again, as it is a huge one. Only one of us can afford to go. Is it selfish to put off my own family for the chance to see Hasmin, Freddie, Howard, Peter, Shadrach, and Mama Kijiji again? I don't know. The Lord says to go... to make disciples... to be His hands and feet, and this is where I feel like the Lord has given me the desire to do so. But as I said, I am still unsure. So I am praying through it... hoping you'll join me in doing the same. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ode to Jenna :)

So... welcome to the new My Favorite Things!!! And let me please say that I LOVE JENNA ALLEN!!!! :) What started as a girly day with lunch and make-up shopping, quickly turned into a "blogapalooza" as Jenna called it. I guess that makes us nerds! I will say say that Jenna may be the coolest blogger/closet computer nerd that I know! I am SO excited about the new things that she added and made better. I honestly sat confused for most of the day and just nodded along like I was taking in and comprehending everything she was saying.  For those of you who have seen "Social Network," she was talking computer jargon like the boys in that movie... lol.

And.... I would love to say that I am saving for a new macbook so that I can sell an organ and then get photoshop to do the cool things that Jenna does.... but wait. I would have to sell 2 organs: One for sure for the macbook itself, then maybe a smaller one for the photoshop software. :) Still... those things are amazing. :)

Anyhow... great day. Justin sported his UGA shirt at the Auburn game with the boys, and Jenna and I were able to seriously put a beating on the computer keyboard!!! FUN DAY!!!!! Thanks, Jenna! Love you girl!

Later :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My New Project...

So, after hours and hours and HOURS of slaving over this blog, I am excited, but well aware that I have SO much left to do. Jenna and Brooke... I would love to know the time that you spend to make yours as cute as they are :o). I know that this is a work in progress and that there is more to learn... so here is what you shouldn't complain about on my :o) :
1- The fact that there is no link for the places that you can follow me on- i.e. twitter, facebook. etc.
2- The fact that there is only one tab, "home" at the top. This is where I hope to have links to some of my favorite things, but don't know how.
3- Maybe some of the color combinations and designs... I am not quite sure what I really like yet either :o)

But anyway.... this is my project. The project that Laura and I decided that I needed because all I can think about is babies. All things babies. Getting pregnant. Baby names. Baby nursery ideas. Baby gear that I want. Baby clothes. Babies. Babies. Babies!!!!

It's crazy really. Justin and I have a plan. A great one. One that I am excited about and helped decide on. But as 27 rounds the corner in a few weeks and our 6th anniversary creeps in next spring, I guess it's a little normal to start to "yearn." Especially as time get's closer. So my dear friend Laura said that I needed a project. She really wanted me to rollerblade..... I decided to blog instead.  Besides, I love techie stuff and when we are ready to REALLY have a baby, you all can see the great belly shots, name posts, nursery pics, and baby gear that I'll be getting!!! LOL!!!

So enough about that until I actually have a reason to mention it :o)

I am glad to be rid of the AWFUL strep throat that one of my precious kindergarteners gave me. :o) I am back in my groove after 3 days on the couch, and am looking forward to date night with my husband Friday night. :o)