It's on days like today that most people get really reflective and think back on things, past and present, that they are thankful for. Even future potential is something that you will hear people reflect on- "I am thankful for my upcoming promotion," "I am thankful for the upcoming birth of my child," "I am thankful for the time that I will get to spend with my out of town family over the holidays...." You get the picture. And as mushy and cliche as all that sounds, they really are things that people are, and should, be thankful for.
So today, I am thankful for meaningful things, as well as some silly things, too :) I am incredibly thankful for the salvation that I have thanks to the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I am thankful that it means that I have that direct connection with Him, that I can call on Him rain or shine, and that no matter what I think or how much I wonder if He really has everything under control, once I settle down I know that He has me close and has plans for me... "For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. I am thankful for this promise and see it SO alive in my life.
I am thankful for the Godly man that I have in my life. From day one he has looked out for me and always had my best interest at heart, knowing that it is his duty as a husband. He prays for me, prays with me, and supports me. He lets me know when I am wrong and encourages me to be the best that I can be in every aspect of my life. He is affectionate and makes time for me. He makes me smile. :)
I am thankful for family, for their love, and their support...especially throughout the last 2 years of our life. Through career changes, launching a church, and learning to mentor others in our new positions as leaders in our church, they have been there for us. For that we will always be thankful.
I am thankful for my health, my job, a supportive boss who loves the Lord, and for loving friends that dove in head first and formed relationships that we would never know were new.. for that I am thankful.
I am thankful for new relationships abroad that were formed this summer. For the staff at Vapor sports... both stateside and in Kenya. To meet them was such a blessing, an honor, and eye opening experience. I know that Thanksgiving isn't a national holiday for them. But they have their equivalent, and when they do, they are not enjoying food like I will be eating today. Regardless, they are happy. They are thankful for their Lord Jesus as well, the one who came and gave them hope of a better life someday, regardless of the mess that they currently find themselves in. They are thankful for the relationship that He has with them, and that in the midst of their earthly pain, suffering, and need, they are able to pray and thank him for what little they have. They are honestly thankful. They are sincere. They appreciate every piece of bread, cup of porridge, every bottle of water. Truly. They were thankful for us traveling to see them, spending time with them. And I will be eternally thankful for them. For the new perspective they have given me. I no longer am just "thankful for what I have... there are children in Africa without these things." How true that is. Except now I know those children. They have faces and names. That phrase has new meaning and depth in my life. For that I will forever remember and be thankful.
So many things in life to be thankful for.... I could go on and on. Today we wish "Happy Thanksgiving" because we should be happy to give these thanks! Today I just wanted to share what means the most to me. The things that will be with me when the material things whither away. The things that are not tangible or replenished without love and loss. I am thankful for so much, but these are the most important. I hope and pray that today people will evaluate what means the most to them in their lives, spend time with family and close friends, laugh together, make memories together, and be thankful. Truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving! It is in this neck of the woods! :)
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