Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here comes the Cliche...and MAJOR catch up!

Wait for it comes...."I haven't had time to blog. I'm a new mom." Booooooooooo!!! Not cool, Denise. Not cool. So now that it has been 9 months...NINE MONTHS!!!!!...since I've blogged, I figured it was time to catch up. Especially since I actually have dibs on the computer for a little while. :) (That's a hard thing to come by!)

I believe that the last time I posted I was 27 weeks pregnant. (I chuckle to myself as I type that.) Well, now that sweet fetus is 6 and a half months old!!! And boy didn't we make a beautiful baby!! And rightfully so, she will dominate most of my blog posts from now on...haha! :)

Mia Claire Probst- 6 months
Note: All professional photos in this post courtesy Brooke Whitis- Hello Friend Photography
So here we go, with her at the helm, here is what we have been up to since April of 2012. I will try to go my months to make it easier :)

May 2012

Wonderfully creative Maternity Session at 30 weeks preggo

June 2012

Fun Baby Shower courtesy of our MyChurch friends

Best friends and hostesses Laura, Whitney, and Christy

Stormy Beach and Disney (yes, again!) Trip!

July 2012

After a surprise "water breaking 4 weeks early in a Mexican restaurant" moment, we welcomed Mia Claire Probst after a short 7 hours of labor on July 1st at 4:39am, weighing 6lbs 3 oz, 20in long! 

August 2012

Justin turned 30!!!

Happy Birthday, Daddy! (6 weeks old)

Aunt Sammie and Uncle Zack found out they were having a BOY!!!!

September 2012

Mia's first beach trip

October 2012

First trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Time to Trunk or Treat!
Mia's 3 Month Session

November 2012

First trip to the Smoky Mountains and the Incredible Christmas Place 

December 2012

First time in a big girl chair! Baby food to come!

First Christmas morning!!

First time meeting her great grandmother, Granny (above) and great grandmother, Mamaw (below)!
Happy New Year! 

January 2013

Rolled over for the first time at exactly 6 months old on New Year's Day!

Growing Fast!

First time in a restaurant high chair! Not quite as stable as we need to be!

Phew. Well there you have it. Once again...the whirlwind blog post. Our life has been on the fast track lately, but we are loving every minute of it. We are happy, healthy, and blessed beyond belief. We are looking forward to many exciting things in our near future as well... a new nephew, more milestones, all of which I look forward to dedicating whole posts to so that I can actually elaborate. But for now, you are probably wondering how many times the bar on the right side of your screen is going to get even smaller as this forever long blog post keeps going! So...that's all for now. Hoping that you all are having a wonderful new year!