Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sam got married!

Well, I must say it's a little weird to think that me and my baby sister are both married and out of the house now. I guess I just thought that she would be at home forever...I know...that's silly...but still. It's strange to think how we have all gotten older and are now starting new lives and families of our own. :)

On November 12, she and my new brother-in-law Zack tied the knot at the Green Island Country Club. It was a beautiful day and she was breathtaking! Be sure to check out my Facebook link to the left to see some of the candids from the day, but below are some of the professional shots courtesy of JK Dallas Photography. 

Ah!! Beauty!! All in all...a completely perfect day! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Many things to make me feel old!

Well...lately I haven't posted. Which we all know is not out of the ordinary. And I really have NO time to be doing this, but I am telling myself that it's therapeutic, and that I need to in order to keep myself sane. :)

There have been many things lately that have made me feel really old. One, and the most obvious, was when I actually became a year older.

That's right. Exhibit A: On October 25th, I was no longer able to say I was "almost 28." I had to say that I was. What was bad was when my uncle was like "How old are you now? About 22?" When I replied, "No, Uncle Les, I just turned 28," he said, "What?! (long pause) Man!" THANKS!  I couldn't help but laugh.  All of my aunts and uncles are shocked at how old we all are getting. It's just weird. Life flies by so fast! I can't imagine how this feeling will intensify when there are babies involved!

Exhibit B: My baby sister is getting married. Oh, sweet Lord. Seriously? I guess in all fairness to her I should stop calling her baby. She's 24. And marrying a dude 6 months older than my man. But still. She is a baby...to me! And in a week and a half she will be MARRIED!! What is happening?! We are super excited for her though! She deserves every ounce of happiness she has suffered through bad boyfriends for! Ha! This past weekend, we took her to a  nice lunch and then ziplining in Lula, Ga. It was too much fun!

PLEASE head over to my Facebook page to see the video of Sam and I dual zipping together! Side note: She has made me her matron of honor. Matron sounds so old too....but we won't go there.

I am sure there is an Exhibit C, D, and on and on...but let's face it: When you're old, you get tired at this time of night. And that is where I'm at now. Ha!
